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Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:38 am
by bakulmatiyani
Directed by : Kenney Ortega

This is it, for Michael and for all those who likes great music.
The title really does say it all. For all those born after the 70’s Pop music has been synonymous with MJ. His music has been around for over three decades and has been a source of inspiration and joy to many; it has descended boundaries of colour, creed, religon and nationality. This Is It is a suitable tribute to the legend that was and in a way still is Michael Jackson.

For all those who have never seen an MJ concert live (which basically means this country’s entire population) this is as close as you are ever going to get to experience the real thing. This film is a 2 hour-long MJ concert waiting to explode in your face and take you into a different world all together. TII (this is it) has been put together using footage of different days of the rehearsals of what was claimed to be Mj’s farewell concerts and farewell it was. This was his dream and he wanted to push the envelope to its extreme. The film is a coming together of some of his most popular songs and going by what the mere rehearsals seem like, what a concert it would have been. It shows a side of Michael that has never been seen before by a majority of his audience, his childlike nature and humble mannerisms. All of a sudden we see him interacting with regular people talking to them discussing his music and planning his stage shows he seems most comfortable on the stage and shows no signs of being weak or ill in fact I had to constantly keep reminding myself that the man I was gawking at is in fact 50 years old. TII takes us behind the scenes and shows us what goes into making a show of mammoth proportions and somewhere down the road you start living the music, it energizes and envelopes you.

There will be a large section of people who go into the film wanting to spot a fake nose or a wig but the y will be very disappointed cause one the man starts to move he is greased lightening and no matter who you are it is impossible to take your eyes off him.

Watch out for the fantastic rendition of “the way you make me feel” and the very moving “earth song”.

What makes me sad is the fact that this film is only playing at theaters for two weeks and if you haven’t yet seen it now is the time to get to it. You only have till the 10th of this month to catch it do it soon cause this really is IT.

In a nutshell the film makes you want to get up and do the moon walk.